How fingerprinting is a core part of the background check process?
Generally, fingerprints are taken for criminal investigation. These are used to determine the identity of an individual. As the print of one finger never matches with another one, therefore, can be used in the best way for identity. Even identical twins do not have the same print on their fingers. So, an individual can easily be identified with the impressions of their fingers. If an individual is associated with any kind of criminal record, then these impressions help determine that person. Why states should use fingerprint-based background checks? As per section 6201 of the patient protection and affordable care act of 2010, it requires a state criminal history record check of each applicant for direct employment in the states that are participating in the NBCP for the safety of the citizens. What is the purpose of a fingerprint background check? These are used in the screening process and help in researching the criminal and non-criminal history of an individ...